Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral care is gentle, effective, and available for all ages.  

What is Craniosacral?

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle form of body work that keys into the nervous system to reduce tension and discomfort.  It is also known to relieve emotional stress and decrease anxiety.  CST uses light touch to assess and address tensions in the fascia, the web of connective tissue that is found all throughout the body.  

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) was founded by Dr. Barry Gillespie and is a specific variation of CST.  The technique focuses on assessing fascial strain patterns and guiding the body in movement to unwind these strains.  

What Can Craniosacral Therapy Help?

For Infants:
  •  Colic
  • Reflux
  • Difficulty latching at the breast
  • Difficulty bottle feeding
  • Neck and shoulder tension
  • Tightness on one side of the body
  • When baby prefers to turn head only one way
  • Jaw clenching/chomping
  • Constipation
For Children & Adults:
  •  Headaches
  • Neck tension
  • TMJ
  • Back pain
  • Stress
  • Emotional regulation

What Happens at a Craniosacral Therapy Appointment?

For infants

First, we will make baby comfortable on our table or in the therapist’s arms.  Babies can also be assessed and treated while being held and fed by parents.  It is important that we find the most comfortable way for baby to be treated.  We’ll lightly touch different positions on baby’s head, neck, chest, and stomach.  We move with baby and support them in their movements rather than trying to restrict them. The aim of this therapy is to reduce discomfort and increase calm.  While sometimes a baby will fuss when feeling a fascial release, if baby needs to take a cuddle or feeding break, we will do that. 

For children

We will get into the position that is most comfortable for the child – whether on the table, in parents lap, or on the floor. Toys and comfort items are welcome and encouraged!  We take any breaks that are needed and move at the child’s pace.  It’s important to know that the child must feel safe and comfortable and we will never force or restrict the movement of a child.  Consent and bodily autonomy are the foundation of care.

For adults

You’ll get comfortable on the treatment table after discussing what brought you in and your hopes for the session. We’ll start with light tough at the ankles/feet, then at the head, as well as at the sacrum. We’ll help you move your body in the direction of ease.  If you find that you feel like moving or adjusting your position during treatment, please feel free. Oftentimes the body needs to have a stretch or change in position in order to better release and this is a good thing.  Some people feel an urge to have big movements with their neck, arms, or legs and you will be supported in these movements.  Others simply rest, some fall asleep.  Each session will look different!



CST/CFT at Magnolia lactation

  • Amanda Western, RN, IBCLC offers craniosacral therapy in office in Baton Rouge for all ages.  Her training includes: Craniosacral Fascial Therapy, Gilliespie Approach – foundation and infant & Infant Craniosacral Therapy through the Beames Training Center
  • While Magnolia Lactation specializes in the care of mothers and infants, CST appointments are available for all ages and genders. 
  • Want to hear more? Click below to listen to Amanda talk about CST and lactation on the MyBaby Craniosacral Podcast with Meaghan Beames!
Craniosacral therapist baton rouge
Listen here to learn more about Amanda's philosophy of care.

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